Share Your Show Ideas With Us!

February 4, 2018

Hey everybody! Michael here. Aaron and I have been working behind the scenes to plan out the topics we’ll be covering in future shows, from practical subjects like site navigation and development tools, to current events that affect our industry such as cryptocurrency trends and Net Neutrality. With two shows a month, that gives us a lot of room to cover a whole lot of ground in 2018 and beyond. We’re super interested in hearing what you would find valuable, issues that drive you insane, technology that you think will be game-changing, or examples of things for better or worse.

Your feedback and experiences can help form and shape the path future shows take. As the listeners, it’s incredibly important for us to take into account the things you find valuable. So, if you want to help out, please feel free to send us your thoughts. There are five main ways you can do this.

  1. First, you can just comment on this post.
  2. Second, visit our contact page and use the form there to send your idea directly to us.
  3. Third, drop into our Slack channel.
  4. Fourth, social media. Just look for /drunkenux on Facebook and Twitter.
  5. And finally, if all else fails, you can always just fire us an email at

Needless to say, we’re easy to reach out to. Don’t be afraid to drop us a line, even if it’s as simple as just letting us know what you think of the show. In the near future, we’re also investigating Patreon as a way for people to help support the podcast, if they feel so inclined. Stay tuned, and as things evolve, we’ll keep announcing them here!