The Drunken UX Podcast

RTO: The Noscript Web, Social Sharing Buttons, Reddit Redesign Reactions…

Is your site addicted to JavaScript? Does it degrade gracefully? Do you ensure you have base functionality working before enhancing progressively? Chris Ashton’s article is a nice reminder about how important it is to try and maintain functionality without JavaScript, along with how you can solve common issues when JavaScript is disable.

Google I/O has started, and with it will come an update to Material Design. Raveesh Bhalla looks at what you might expect from the updates to the spec.

Get into CSS flexbox with a guide on flex-grow from HackerNoon before running by Scrimba to check out their free course on flexbox layout and much more to sharpen up.

On the social media side, we look at a story about whether or not social media sharing buttons are worthwhile, along with some reactions to the new redesign for Reddit.

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