The Drunken UX Podcast

#102: What is GraphQL All About? w/ special guest Justin Bahl

APIs can be confusing. Conventions like RESTful services have been a staple of the industry, but they suffer from a lack of tools that can better solve modern development challenges. Jason Bahl joins us this week as we discuss how GraphQL changes the game when it comes to content APIs, and look at how is plugin – WPGraphQL – can help you out on your next WordPress project, especially if you expect to run headless.

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Hey, everybody, thanks for joining us on The drunken UX podcast. This is episode number 102. And we’re going to be talking about what Graph QL is all about. Joining us this evening is going to be our special guest, Jason ball. I’m your host, Michael Fienen. And on the other microphone is my semi eared half eared. HEADPHONE challenge.

This is been a week for tech failure for me.

Does does the dishwasher count is tech though.

Ah, I mean, I guess perhaps

the old fashioned unless it’s got Bluetooth, dishwasher. Anybody have smart

dishwashers now that connect to Wi Fi and google assistant and stuff. And I don’t know, man, Alexa microwave? Yeah, I don’t I don’t want my appliances on the internet of things. I just maybe I’m old fashioned, but I don’t want that. And then I have had a issues with Audacity ever since they updated the current version of Ubuntu. It’s just issues with the pulse audio sound. And then my microphone is only coming.

The monitor outputs only coming in through the left ear. So this all happened within the span of like three days. So it’s been a really intense week.

All right, we’re the least important on that list. I’m gonna make you limp along because that’s when confronted by challenges. That is what we do. But at least we have some frosty adult beverages to keep us comforted. And Aaron, I know you have something

I heard per your recommendation. Last episode, I picked up a bottle of the glimmer me with Santa. Santa. Yeah. And as you can see, I’ve had a little bit of it.

But was I fair in my description? Yeah, yeah, it’s

good. I I think I still like the Balvenie a little more. But this has been good so far, though.

So your next is just to get the Cainta robe on and try that one. That’ll be Yeah, see, see how those two compare, right. I I’m off the Scotch trip this evening. But I am still in the bottle with the Runza Kappa, the 23 soul era. A fantastic room. It is rum you drink like Scotch it is. It’s sweet. It’s got that Carmeli brown sugar, nice hard hit to it. I needed some dessert tonight. It’s getting cold mighty cold outside. So it’s like that’s a nice way to in my evening both sweet and warm at the same time.

As I said at the start of this whole intrigue. This is episode number 102. And by this point, you should know that this is made possible by our friendly sponsors over at tele tells a great service you can go check out for doing screen captures but not it’s not just like your normal screen capture software.

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Then Mr. WP Graph QL himself Jason ball. He is a the principal the or a principal is there only one principal? No a he is a principal software engineer at WP Engine. He’s also formerly a software engineer for Gatsby J S. But more importantly he is the creator of the WP Graph QL plugin for WordPress. Jason, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Okay, Graph QL. We’re diving right in so Graph QL is What? What is, so you’re like, You’re somebody gives you a call and says, Hey, we’re having a conference.

And we’re talking about, like, application development and API’s, and we would love for somebody to come in and talk about what Graph QL is. But the these are students like it’s at a university for all of their, like technical design students. How do you explain to them what is Graph QL? In kind of that very tiny nutshell,

there? Yeah. So, Graph QL is the word graph. QL stands for graph query language. So it’s a, it’s a language to specify what types of data you want from an API and get a response matching the type of data that you asked for. So

if I’ve used like my SQL, right like that, the SQL that QL fields, query language, yeah, common. Yeah.

Yeah. So they basically in simple in simple terms, it’s a way to get data out of a system. There’s obviously lots of ways to get data out of systems, though. And so what are some unique things with Graph QL? It gives you one entry point into this graph of data, if you will. And so whatever, whatever your system can expose, it describes that in a schema, what’s called the schema. So you describe what’s possible to be asked for.

So when we talk about WordPress, like WordPress has posts, like blog posts, it has pages, it has users, it has media items, like images and things like that. So describes these types of data in a schema. And then the user gets to make Graph QL queries, graph query language queries, to specify what from that schema, they want to ask for some different API’s like RESTful API is would be like resource, an endpoint per resource, like you would have a specific endpoint to get posts a specific endpoint to get pages a specific endpoint to get images.

Graph QL gives you one entry point one endpoint. And then the user says, Okay, I want posts and pages and users maybe all all at once, but I want just posts and on posts, I want just these three fields. Yeah, so it gives the control to the, to the consumer.

So even though the Graph QL name sounds more like SQL, that database interfacing language, graph, QL is closer to rest in terms of like, its purpose, right? That’s a great thing.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, there, there was some inspiration, the creators of Graph QL. So Facebook, engineers at Facebook created Graph QL, to solve some problems that we’re actually having with using restful API’s with the mobile application for Facebook. And so there is some inspiration from sequel, rest API’s, give you data in JSON over endpoints. So it’s resources, and you’ll get a payload. But you as the consumer have very little control in a REST API over what you get. There are, that’s not universally true. There are rest API’s that allow you to send arguments to specify what fields you want. But in general, the server has most of the control and the consumers just, hey, please let me have something and you just wait for what you get.

I think maybe here’s something I’m thinking of, I’ve got a a non WordPress content management system that I use. And it has a Content API that is a RESTful API. But it’s problematic for me, because as I, if I need to use that to like extract data or something, I have to of course, expose it. And it’s an all or nothing kind of thing for me, once it’s exposed. And I say, Hey, give me this stuff that I need from inside of your content structures.

It says, Okay, here’s all the stuff and it’s like, oh, wait, you’re exposing fields that like, the, they’re important, I need that data. But I wouldn’t want like anybody being able to query those particular items. Like maybe it’s got business logic associated with it, or like proprietary knowledge or something attached. But it doesn’t distinguish. It’s just like, you asked for, you know, this piece of content, I’m giving it to you, here’s all the stuff.

Yeah, that’ll that’ll, that’s probably just regardless of API technology that can that can be a problem in Graph QL. To write like, you can Graph QL itself is the transport layer, the mechanism that says, here’s what users are allowed to ask for. And here’s how the server will respond. You can design Graph QL, API’s to expose data you shouldn’t expose. But and same with rest. You can you can expose REST endpoints that have too much data. So that that’s probably an implementation detail graph. QL itself is not going to necessarily prevent From exposing things,

you shouldn’t it’ll, it’ll do what you tell it to basically, as both the designer and the consumer. Yeah,

that was the frustrating thing that I had with the, the Graph QL service that I complained about a couple episodes ago. And so, Jason tell me, if, if I request, like a blob, say I have, I’m just gonna make up some resources here, by like, users and like, memberships. And like, I don’t know, assets or something. Right. And, and I make a request to get back those three things.

Um, is it going to give me back an array or like a collection, where the users memberships and assets are all like, in parallel, like, within the same, like, with no hierarchy at all, just the same, like flat collection? And like, is the is the way that I’m supposed to get like, if I want to know, okay, like, for this user, like, what assets does this user have? Do I need to iterate through the collection? And then look at each individual item? And see, like, if it matches and then gather it up? Or? Or was this API designed for you?

Yeah. Could could be a little bit about. So so one thing with Graph QL, very much like any REST API to write, like, a lot of it is up to up to the implementers on how they implement the technology. Sure. So Graph QL. doesn’t, doesn’t the technology itself doesn’t specify how you design your schema. So you can have a schema that is as simple as one single field, like a hello field that returns the word world, right? So you have a Hello World API, that can be your entire graph. QL API, right? Probably not a useful one.

But But Graph QL itself says like, if you’re going to expose this, you have to expose it in a standard way, you have to say what type of data your field is going to return. In that case, you’d have to specify it’s going to be a string. And then users always know anytime I asked for that field, I’m going to get a string back. Right? So it’s a contract between the server and the client. That said, it obviously can get more complicated than that. So there’s a specification in the Graph QL ecosystem called the relay specification.

And this, this is a kind of a standard opinion on how to design schemas. So if you’ve ever messed with a graph, QL schema and seen terms like edges and nodes, I’m not sure. Okay. The API you worked with had that terminology? I don’t remember. So if you were frustrated, part of it could have been maybe lack of familiarity lack of documentation, there was definitely been poor API design to Yeah.

It’s also possible I was just querying it wrong. But the documentation wasn’t very good. So

yeah. Yeah, like one one example for like W in WP graph kill if we think like WordPress is used for a lot of websites, right. And I, and if you break down like, yeah, 43% of the way, literally dozens. But if you consider like, I don’t know, a homepage of a website, you would have probably, you’d have some general data about the website, like the title of the website and the logo. And then you typically are going to have some sort of navigation menu with like a list of navigation menu items.

And then you probably have, let’s say, it’s a blog again. So the homepage would have the menu, the logo, the title of the site, then a list of blog posts, the blog is going to have the title, the blog, the date, the description, a link to the individual posts, maybe an image, and then the author’s name, and maybe avatar or something. Sure. It’s like we’re talking, there’s a dozen resources here, right, you’re talking you got settings of the site, you got menus, menu items, posts, post images connected to the posts, and the user connected to the post.

So you can do that all in one graph. QL request. So you can you can say I want the menu with the menu items, I want the posts with their author and their featured images, and the author’s avatar, which is even another resource. So you do that all in one single WP Graph QL request, where with rest, you’d have to do like, I don’t know, probably 100 different network requests

I have designed. I’ve done REST API endpoints before where like you would if you query like posts, like you can have, you can have it include the comments as part of the same request. I think the difference though, is that it sounds like Graph QL is better for the user deciding how they want the data retrieved. Whereas with arrest is designed designed more by the API Manager, like whoever’s managing the AI.

They have the a sort of pre decide, if you want this resource, this is the stuff we can give you back and it’s like more tightly scoped, whereas it sounds like Graph QL is a lot more kind of like freeform.

Yeah, it puts a Yeah, it puts more like control in the consumers hands to specify exactly what they want. And in response, in turn, it usually leads to speed improvements. Because with rest, if you only need, let’s say, ID and the title of a for list of posts, and the posts has 400 fields on it, in a REST API, you might be waiting for 400 fields to be downloaded, when all you care about is the two that you need.

So Graph QL, you specify, Hey, I just want the ID and the title. And then the server only has to process that get it from the database, you know, send it to you. So the request response time alone is fast. And then any processing on the server is going to be faster to

your payload smaller, you’re making fewer HTTP requests, like everything, all the transit time of everything going round trip is less.

Yeah, I was gonna say 111 thing I love too about it is with the REST API. If something breaks down the road in your application that’s consuming your REST API. It’s hard to know what changed. Because like, when you’re looking at your code, like let’s say jump into code base, maybe somebody else authored, and you see, oh, shoot, this thing is broken over here. I see they were getting this resource from this endpoint, you have to go figure out how that endpoint used to behave and how it behaves today.

With Graph QL, you the whoever wrote the code wrote a query that is very explicit, they said, I want the posts, I want the ID and the title. If for some reason the server isn’t sending the title anymore, you at least know what the original developer, maybe it was even you two weeks ago, but you know, what the original developer wanted from the API. So it takes a little bit of guesswork, you can start troubleshooting immediately. Oh, one of these two fields they asked for isn’t behaving the way it used to.

Now I can troubleshoot that, versus Oh, they were asking for posts, posts and 400 fields, one of them isn’t working. Which one was it? Why is it different? You know, what changed? So it’s the implicit rester, a lot of API’s, like rest are implicit because you just say, I want this resource server, give me whatever you have graph. QL is like, tell me exactly what you want.

But this has a like, if I squint my eyes a bit, this feels a little bit like the difference between static typing and duck typing. Whereas like a REST API would be duck typed, and graph will be static types. And that,

yes, duck goose. Duck isn’t like

any type, whatever you say? Any? Yeah,

yeah. Um, okay. Good luck. I know, there’s a lot of I don’t want to digress heavily. But like that is like static typing versus duck typing is like one of the Pepsi versus vaping. duct taping, yes.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’m distracting. It’s sort

of like the Pepsi versus Coke or PVC versus Mac of the developer world. Like people who I am someone who very much enjoys duck typing and duck type languages. And so what I hear people like, you know, bad mouth and duck duck, because they like static that just like, I don’t know, man, like we just we solve our problems a different ways.

So this is all this is API driven. This is data driven. So I need to go out and like, do I need like, special NPM packages in my project to use Graph QL? Or, like, is it something that’s just there for free? Like, what’s what’s sort of the interface to that? Yeah, so

yeah, I mean, so Well, well, let’s talk about it in terms of WordPress again. So if you’ve installed WP Graph QL, which is a free open source plugin for WordPress, you install this into your Graph QL or into your WordPress, you have a Graph QL endpoint, anything that can make a network request to that endpoint can talk with API. So you can go in your browser, type in your QL. And you you’ll get data, right and then you can type queries into the query string of your browser event.

And specified data like hey, I want just post their ID and their title. And in your browser, you can get data back, you could do a curl request in your terminal to a Graph QL API and get data back. JavaScript clients are probably the more the most common consumer of Graph QL API’s provide JavaScript and like native mobile applications. So if you are going to be building JavaScript website, or application or whatever and wants to communicate with the Graph QL API, you can do it with standard fetch API’s write that can make a network request.

There are libraries though, that help make the communication to Graph QL API easier. So the popular one is called Apollo Apollo client, and you can use this in JavaScript applications, it will make it a little bit easier to communicate to the server, it’ll do the fetch for you, it’ll set the headers for you. But then add also does caching for you. It’s smart enough to know that you already have that data. And we’ll skip the network requests a second time.

So yeah, there’s there’s a lot of libraries that try and make things easier to use Graph QL API’s. But anything that can make a network request should be able to work with Graph QL API,

can I get my data back as XML? If that’s what I need? Is it dependent on a passing a parameter? Or is it set?

Most API’s are that I know of are going to return JSON, it’s pretty much a standard graph. QL doesn’t enforce it. You can return whatever you want. It’s pretty standardized that it’s going to be JSON, though.

So yeah, so if you’re building, you know, a Javascript app, or something like that, you mentioned, fetch, as long as you can make a fetch. And you can work with Jason, you’re good to go. Even though this is like a whole different query language. It’s all that’s like, but that’s just syntax inside your query at that point. Let’s go ahead and pivot then into let’s talk about WordPress, specifically, because, much like anything else, a lot of people’s first touch point with, let’s call it complex web development, or more advanced web development, will frequently be in the WordPress space.

So this notion of, hey, I’m learning some JavaScript, and I’m gonna plug it into an eight dot Ajax with jQuery or do my dot fetch. Sometimes the first time people do that it’s against something in WordPress. So in this let’s, let’s talk about WP Graph QL. And the plug in explicitly. How long ago did this rollout? Like? How long has this been a thing? And this is just, I’m just curious about it.

Yeah, I saw I started the project almost five years ago, it’s Thanksgiving week of 27, or 2016. is when I started the project. I was working at newspaper at the time, and we we had like a network of 100, or something sites across the US. And at the time, 30 or so we’re on WordPress. And we did a lot of content syndication. So one newspaper would publish breaking news or whatever. And we would need to syndicate that article to other newspapers across the web.

That raises a quick question for me. So you’re syndicating content? Is his Graph QL read only? Or is like So is it the kind of situation where syndication means the other people have to pull it and publish it? Or can Graph QL be used to push stuff as well? Or rather even put stuff too, because that’s maybe the other the better example, right? With arrest, I could do a put request or a post request delete request results in something getting published somewhere. Does this Graph QL do that? Or is that a distinction?

Yeah, yeah. So graph. QL has three, three root interactions you can do, you can do queries, which is the most common one, you can ask for data, ie do mutations, which is write data back. And it works in a very similar way, the schema will be defined what mutations are possible, like in WordPress, it’d be like create post, update, post, delete post, yeah, things like that. And, yeah, so you can create mutations and queries.

So mutations typically change something in the site, like create data, or update data, or any data queries typically just return data, they don’t usually write data. And then there’s a third thing called subscriptions, which is very unique. You can subscribe to data. WP Graph QL doesn’t support this yet. But some Graph QL API’s do. And so subscriptions allow you to say you can subscribe to an event in the system. And then you can specify what data you care about when that event happens.

And then you’ll get you’ll get a payload of data typically, through a WebSocket connection, whenever that event occurs. So you can, you can subscribe, like in WordPress, when we support this, for example, you’ll have, you’ll be able to subscribe to something like create post, right? Anytime a post is created you you the consumer will be able to specify that when a post is created. You want the ID, the title and maybe the author of the post, right? And if a post is created, you’ll get a payload with that data.

Hit the transport, how it happens is up to the API. It’s pretty standard that WebSockets transport subscriptions. You could do something like web hooks or whatever else you want.

That’s what I was about to say this sounds very much like a web hook is kind of what you’re You’re describing a little bit.

So it’s very similar tip, typical implementation is going to be WebSockets. So it can be real time, basically. But yeah, the actual transport of it doesn’t matter. The, what does matter is that the consumer can specify what event they care about and what data down to the field. They care about when that event happens. And so I can subscribe to different fields than you for the same event and will we would get individualized payloads. Sure, yeah.

If all this sounds familiar, at least in name, the part of the reasons when we had Colin Mason just a couple episodes back talking about Atlas content modeler, Atlas content modeler relies on Graph QL. That’s part of what it exposes in the process of creating it’s a headless WordPress environments. And so it’s, you know, the this whole thing like you can use it for for JavaScript, you can use it for headless. I’m curious, though. What are the problems?

And we’ve, we’ve kind of hit on this as we’ve gone in terms of like, talking about round trip payloads, getting, you know, just the data you need. What what are the problems that Graph QL? is solving though, in WordPress over like, the normal WordPress REST API that’s just there and available?

Yeah, um, yeah, so. So one of the one of the common themes in restful API’s is that you’re simultaneous simultaneously, over fetching and under fetching at the same time. So if you need data, we talked about like having to do nested resources. If you need, like my example, you need a blog, post author and the images, right. If I’m using REST API, I’m going to hit the posts endpoint to get a list of posts. That’s going to give me ideas of the author.

So I have to go collect those IDs, and then make round trip requests to the author endpoint, or the user endpoint, whatever it is, and then get the user and then I’m gonna have to make subsequent request to get the avatar for the user. And then also, for my posts, I’m gonna have to make a request to get the images, right to the media and point, because I’m just going to get IDs, like the rest resource is going to give me the post data, but then IDs have any connected resources.

And then I as the client have to do these round trips. So just to get a list of 10 posts, with one image each and an author each, I’m going to have to make what is that 31 requests or something, I’m going to get one request for to get my 10 posts 10 requests to get my 10 images, 10 requests to get my 10 authors 10 request to get the avatars of authors. So I just made 31 network request to get a list of 10 posts with. And then if I want 100 posts, now making 301 requests, it solves that because I can write one query to say I want 100 posts are 10 posts.

And on each post, I went the ID, the title, the date, the author, the author’s name, the author’s avatar, the posts featured image, and the URL and the caption, or whatever. Each time I asked for the posts, I’m going to be getting all the fields the post has, if all I needed was the ID, the title and the date, I’m getting a lot more stuff than I asked for or, or that I write. So I have to wait, I have to wait for that. Even though I don’t need it, I have to wait for it before I can even make my round trip to get the author.

And then I have to wait for the whole author, which is going to have probably a lot of stuff I don’t care for if I just need the name and Avatar. But I have to wait for the whole payload for the author just to get the ID of the Avatar. And then I have to go ask for them.

But wouldn’t wouldn’t, wouldn’t you? Like? I mean, if you were if you’re building the REST API for, for WordPress, for example. Why wouldn’t you just include those associated fields by default? I know you’re saying like over fetching and under fetching simultaneously. But like, I don’t know, if I pulled a post resource, I would kind of expect to also get the very least like the author metadata and post metadata. And I mean,

yeah, so So the WordPress does allow you to do what’s called embed in the REST API, but then you get entire resources, right. And so again, you’re even if you do that, you’re still over fetching. And you have to pay the price to wait for all of that data to download and all the data to process so. And then if you want to do go a step further, that gets really difficult, like if you wanted, if you want to listen 10 posts and the author, but also the author’s two most popular posts to put in their bio, for example, like, Wait, if the REST API is saying, Oh, I’m just gonna include everything where does it stop, right?

Because if you’re gonna say, Oh, we can include the related authors or you know, related authors to this post. Then also we Want to include the posts that this author has? Written? You know, so the Graph QL API allows the client to specify those relationships and then stop where they want it to. Because and so, so yeah, you can, you can ask for stuff like the most recent list that the, the most recent posts, author is done, the popular post author’s done, like, there can be connections from the often in the graph to post but different ways, right?

So can have popular posts a query, you can have recent post. So like the REST API, it’s either gonna, it’s either going to punish the clients that don’t need all this information to benefit the clients that do need it all. Yeah, what’s the level of

scale where their performance increases become noticeable? Like, I mean, Facebook is like Facebook, Twitter, all those big companies are like, kind of anomalies like in the amount of traffic throughput that they have. So like, hyper optimizing things like this make total sense for them. Like our website, gets, I think, saying a fraction of Facebook’s traffic would be very, very, very generous. So like, what, what’s the level of scale where it starts to play out?

I think we you set it there, right, we get a we get a fraction of the traffic, I also run a server that has, you know, a fraction of the RAM and CPU time and all of that, like, answer the question, I think, is like, how, how many resources is the site you’re interacting with really have available? Yeah, yeah, let’s, let’s take a site like fantasy It says like a random, I don’t know where I pulled that name out of, but it’s something that just occurred to me randomly.

And let’s imagine that this was set up to, you know, query AccuWeather, or one of these to like, Get Current weather stats, and all of that. And let’s say it really took off, and a lot of other people were very interested in the fantasy Product and game, you’ve got two problems, right? One, how many calls are you making? AccuWeather is API. And I don’t know if they have a Graph QL API, or if it’s just a standard RESTful API.

But then other maybe you you say, I’m gonna make an API for the site to so that people can show off scores and stats on other websites and how people are doing with their local weather forecasters. This is all I’m explaining this, like everybody knows what I’m talking about this goes back to literally season don’t want to go back and listen to a lot of back catalogue stuff.

But this, this notion of okay, so you’re going to make an API for everybody to then pull stuff from you on top of it? How much can droplet on DigitalOcean, with one gig of ram and one virtual CPU take? If you’ve got 1000 websites suddenly coming in and making these requests? Versus

that’s what I was asking. Like, I know, there’s got to be some point where, like, the level of throughput starts mattering with like the optimization or the efficiency gained by using like the specificity of Graph QL. And I was just wondering, like, if you knew like, what order of magnitude we you start to see that?

Yeah, it’s it. That’s gonna depend as on so many variables. Yeah. Ultimately, we need to do a Graph QL request, you’re just basically mapping to a bunch of functions, right, that go and do something. So it all depends on how that’s behaving. But the fact the the fastest, the fastest API, regardless of graph, QL arrest is going to be the one that’s not hitting your server at all right? If it’s cached, sure, right. So there, there’s a typically in REST API is a user will make a GET request to get data.

First time hits, it’s gonna obviously if the server and then it’ll be cached. Graph, QL, can be cached as well, it’s a little more tricky to invalidate the caches. Because with rest, you know, okay, this endpoint is this resource, which is also partly why rest API’s tend to return IDs for relationships instead of fully nested resources. Because if you if you do have nested resources, then to invalidate that cache, you have to know when any of those related resources have changed as well.

So typically, a REST API is gonna gonna just give you the resource, give me IDs to relationships, and then that individual resource can be cached Graph QL, since you specified down to the field of what you want, Graph QL can track the dependencies that are in that response, and invalidate the cache based on anything that was in that response. So if you query for list of posts, then the authors and the images that specific requests can be invalidated when post authors or images are changed on the server.

Right so We can still invalidate that cache, because we know all of the resources that are included in it. Not every Graph QL servers can be set up to be cached like that. There’s tooling in the WordPress space we’re working on, specifically around around this. But the concept is, yeah, you you build your application to specify what you need in your application.

The server is going to track those requests, figure out what data is important to those requests, and then stack the corresponding events in WordPress to say, oh, we should invalidate this cache because that thing just changed. Typically, any API, you’re gonna want that layer of cache, though, I would say it’s probably that it’s a trickier problem in Graph QL. To cache there are like startups that are trying to solve this generally.

So like graph CDN, for example. There’s a startup that you can put their CDN in front of your Graph QL API, and it’s basically a proxy for your API, and it caches responses there. So then your client application is always getting data from a CDN instead of talking to your server.

A lot of signature management, right? Like, because since everybody can query for different stuff based on what’s exposed, every signature is so different. Yeah, in many cases, that yeah, I see this as something like I was thinking about lambda earlier, AWS lambda. And like, I would envision abstracting even some of that out to a service like that, where I don’t want it hitting my server directly.

I’ll let something like lambda handle the individual requests, and abstract the data layer out of there. So that my little my little tiny, you know, $5, droplet DigitalOcean isn’t getting hammered over for these things, if I get slapped on it or something. Yeah. So

that’s kind of the trend we’re seeing with graph. QL. Right is like, at that point, it shouldn’t matter if you are on a $5 box, right? Because most of the requests are going to be hitting a cache summer, and your servers not really going to end up seeing that much traffic. Obviously, you’d still have any uncashed stuff like if you had, like, for example, the newspaper worked at, we had 8000 authors on one of the newspapers, right. So like, we have to, we have to support those users.

Right, which is all uncashed stuff because they’re mutating data. They’re writing data. Right. So we add, we have more concerns with that user base than we did like the public facing users that are largely quitting and or corn cashable data. But uh, we so I would recommend no matter what API, you’re using, the cache layer, graph. CDM, I think is a cool, cool one. We like I’ve explored integration with that. That’s a from Max oibre.

He, I don’t know if you’re familiar with like styled components in the React ecosystem. He co created that. And so he’s behind DNS. He was working with Gatsby for a little bit, and worked at GitHub for a little bit.

And there’s a bigger discussion here that is maybe good for a future date, which is, how do you optimize anything server related and figuring out like, Okay, let’s take and I use DigitalOcean, because I use them so much. Like, I’ve got a $5 droplet, it’s got two gigs of RAM, 50 gigs of storage, it’s got a virtual CPU. How much traffic? Can it handle? Regardless? Is it Graph QL? Is it REST API, whatever, like, figuring out the math of like, how many threads can MySQL support and PHP?

And like, how many? Yeah, how many instances of these things can I spin up? before it starts hurting? And that’s like, that is an art unto itself, calculating those kinds of things? And I think, Aaron, to your point, like, where is that limit? Like? Where will we see improvements or performance enhancements? It’s going to come down to like, what does that math look like for the server here? And it’s gonna be so different for everybody’s deal.

Yeah, there, there are some like, I don’t know, the I don’t have like scientific results behind it. But there are some conventions in Graph QL that do help with like, the related resource issue. So I mentioned like to get 10 posts and REST API might end up doing 31 requests, right? We do the one to get the 10 posts, and then, you know, tend to get the author tend to get the avatar tend to get the, you know, whatever. The was lasting damage, or whatever. So that’s called like the n plus one problem, right?

You make one request, and then you have n requests to follow up to get the related resources with Graph QL since you make the one request, and you can specify those relationships There’s a pattern on the server called Data Loader that can help avoid that problem on the server as well. So if I, if I say I want from a Graph QL, request 10 posts with the author, the image and the author avatar, right, what’s going to happen, it’s called deferred resolution.

So as the server processes that will talk to the database and say, Hey, I need the 10 posts. But then instead of doing a for each loop, and say, for each 10 posts, give me the author. So that’d be get author one, and then get author two, it’ll say, get all 10 authors at once. So it’d be one request to get the 10 posts one request to get the 10 authors one request to get the 10 images, one request to get the 10 avatars. So you’d end up with four requests instead of 31.

Let’s, uh, let’s talk WP graph. QL, specifically, and the plugin and all of this, one thing that occurs to me is, when I’m building like, I’m building a custom post type or something like that, I’m gonna have to go into the code and make sure I have if I’m using ACF, there’s a checkbox for it. If I’m doing vanilla code, you have to make sure like show in rest is set to true. What is the sort of hiding and exposing process like for getting content that I’m making in WordPress exposed to the API or not? Yeah, a

pretty similar to that. So if you have a if you if you have post type, like houses, for example, you register post type houses, there’s three fields you have to specify to expose it to Graph QL. One is showing Graph QL, if you set that to true, and then you give it a graph, QL, single name and a Graph QL plural name, if you specify, if you specify those three fields, then you will get your your type exposed to the graph. And you’ll get a lot of things in your schema for that you’ll get a route entry point.

So you’d be able to query how a house individually by ID, you’d be able to query a list of houses, and you’d be able to filter it by, you know, various arguments. You’d also get mutations for that which due respect, whatever capabilities you define for your post type in WordPress. So when you registered type, you can specify what what user privileges are required to edit it created, deleted, things like that. And so WP graph kill will respect those, but it’ll add it to the schema, like, create house, update house, delete house mutations.

So you’ll get all of this stuff added to the graph, as well as connections to any taxonomies, you might have, like, let’s say you registered a custom taxonomy called neighborhoods, right? Or something like that. And you could have a house connected to a neighborhood, right? You’d be able to query both of those things in Graph QL. And find out what neighborhoods have which houses or which houses are connected to which neighborhood, things like that. So yeah, it’s just three fields on taxonomies are post types.

And then there’s a slew of helper API functions, you can call like register Graph QL field, if you want to register your own field to any type in the graph, you can do that. And then there’s a like register Graph QL connection. So if you were wanting to connect two types of data, like houses, neighborhoods, for example, I do that for you. If there’s a post type of taxonomy, like the code just does it. But maybe you had a custom database table, for example you were using.

And if you’re doing some with custom database tables, WordPress usually doesn’t know about it natively. So you could register connection yourself using the registered connection registered Graph QL connection, and then you could define how to connect something in WordPress to this other thing. It could even be remote data, right? Like you could, you could write a connection that actually goes and gets data from a third party REST API, for example.

And, and connects it back. Like, discuss comments, for example. Like if you wanted to have comments come from a third party instead of native WordPress, you can do that if you want to

mix and match. Yeah, yeah. And what about like, of course, the elephant in the room in terms of like Gutenberg, if I’m making like custom blocks, my normal approach would be to think, Well, I’m just gonna write a block and I’ll have it use the REST API. But if I’m needing to build custom blocks, either pull in other content or like to reference content or things like that. There’s no reason I couldn’t as long as I’m using your plugin along with it. I could use Graph QL to then create a custom block on my site write a

yes or no. So Gutenberg is a loaded topic when it comes API’s. I wrote a I wrote a pretty lengthy blog post about this on It’s on WP graph kill that comes blog back in like March a so the so Gutenberg for folks that don’t know what Gutenberg is. It’s a block based Page Builder page editor that was brought into WordPress, like two years, two or three years.

Right at Yeah, right out two years, I think.

Yeah. Yeah. As to Yeah. Anyways. So it’s this. It’s a, it’s a react based application that you kind of drag and drop your content as blocks. So you have like a paragraph block an image block a heading block. And you can compose your pages with these blocks. You can also build your own blocks or like, galleries or like whatever you’re doing. So you can build your own blocks. The problem when it comes to API’s in WordPress, so WordPress has the REST API built in and it has not built in well, it does have XML API as well built in.

And then there’s a tool called WP CLI. So like there’s a CLI interface. It’s not built in. But it’s essentially is natively simple. It’s a tool. Yeah, exactly. It’s a tool to interact over CLI. All of these API’s don’t know anything about Gutenberg blocks. Because Gutenberg blocks are fully JavaScript, and WordPress is PHP. And so when you register post types, or taxonomies, you register them in PHP, you describe what they are, and who can interact with them, right, I mentioned the capabilities.

For example, you can say, who’s allowed to write, edit, delete, a post type, Gutenberg blocks don’t exist, the server doesn’t really know much about Gutenberg blocks. And so for API’s, like the REST API for dumphy, graph, QL, for CLI for XML RPC API, don’t really know anything about blocks. And so it’s a little problematic. Currently, there are some solutions. So the blog post I mentioned, there’s one plugin called WP Graph QL, for Gutenberg. And when you install that, it gives you a settings page.

And you can basically index the Gutenberg schema. So what happens it loads up Gutenberg in an iframe, install JavaScript, and then it gets all the blocks that JavaScript knows about, send the sends that block list back down to the server saves it in database, and then it maps it to Graph QL. And then you can you can query the data that way. So I’ve been I’ve been working I’ve have issue on the Gutenberg GitHub repo from I think, 2017 Why the lack of a server registry in Gutenberg is problematic. And it’s issue 2751. If you’re curious.

That not that you’ve memorized No, right.

But uh, I kind of I’ve kind of wrote a book about this, because as soon as I heard about Gutenberg, I was like, Oh, that’s cool. This is exciting. Like, I think Graph QL would actually pair very well with it. But the way it’s been architected to this point makes it very difficult for server APS to do meaningful stuff with it.

Maybe hard, hard to query into, but maybe better for seeing out of so to speak, which is my way of saying like, let’s say I wanted to make a block to, and I’m gonna just absolutely spitball this, but let’s say I want to have a block that shows, let’s say, an Amazon product that I’m talking about. And I assume Amazon probably has a Graph QL API out there. I have no idea. But I could have a block. And but the block itself could use Graph QL to talk out Yeah, and say, I’m gonna go get this data. So when the page loads, it will load the current price. Yeah. title on the Yeah, definitely.

Yeah, definitely can, um, I did a I did a word workcamp. Talk about this word campus, like the WordPress conference. I did one. I think it was 2018 WordCamp. US I did a talk about using Graph QL to build Gutenberg blocks. So yeah, I was thinking about this the opposite way, like how can I query blocks, if you want to build a block and use graph kill on the client, as users are interacting with blocks, that’s definitely possible.

I have a talk on that I show how, in my case, you still use WP Graph QL in my example, but you can look it up on Just search my name and you’ll find it it’s workcamp 2018. It’s like called Gutenberg, Graph QL and government or something. Um, let me

let’s talk about like the elephant in the room. And this is just a curiosity to me. And I’ve heard other people talk about it, but I feel like you are the one to absolutely answer this question, which is it? Will we see Graph QL maybe end up like as a native WordPress thing at some point. Like, right now we have the REST API, the REST API comes in for free Graph QL is a plugin for us at this point. And there’s a lot of discussion about, you know, the kind of things that end up in core versus end up in a plug in. Is this something that you envision will probably always be plugin related? Or do you envision maybe getting it into core? And why or why not? If you’ve got a personal preference one way or the other?

Yeah, um, it’s tough, I think there’s a lot of value, it could add to 40 plus percent of the internet, if it were a core problem with WordPress Core those like when typically when things get merged into WordPress, core innovation stops Gutenberg as like one exception. Like, there’s bugs with the REST API REST API, I think was merged in 2016. And there’s bugs that are yet to be fixed with it, right? Because once, once you say, hey, 43% of the web, you have this new shiny thing, it’s very difficult to change something for 43% of the web. Okay. Um,

so right now it’s breaking, you can’t risk that stuff, right. And so

as a plugin, like, we’re still able to iterate and, and fix mistakes we’ve made with and then you can opt into the version that works for you. Right. Um, so I’m only, I mean, I can obviously make breaking changes, but you can opt into the version that was working for you at any time, right? Without having to change everything in your system. So I think I think plugin makes sense, for a lot of reasons. One, for the speed of iteration, like, we can still ship features and sometimes make breaking changes, and you could opt into what version works for you, which is nice.

The other part is Graph QL is evolving at a different pace, and without regard to WordPress, right. So the Graph QL language and specification has changes coming as well, right? There’s features we want that don’t exist in Graph QL today, but hopefully, will soon. And we want to take advantage of those when they come. If Graph QL were merged into WordPress Core today, it would be the version of Graph QL. That is there today.

And so while the rest of the world moves on to Graph QL, to or whatever it might be, we’d be stuck with whatever it is today. Because, again, it’s very difficult to change 43% of the web. So I think there’s a lot of advantages of keeping it a plugin. And if it benefits your project, go install it, it’s a click away. If it doesn’t benefit your project, ignore it. Right. Like, it doesn’t have to be for everybody in the plugin

repo, right?

Yeah, it’s in You can get it on GitHub, if you’re interested in like developing and contributing back. It’s on GitHub, if you use composer, which is like NPM. For php. It’s like a package dependency manager library. It’s on, which is the posers version of NPM. So you can get it from composer you get it from, from your admin of your WordPress site, or GitHub.

Awesome. Well, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s coming next. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s gonna happen with that subscribe stuff, because I’m telling you right now, I’m already moving a bunch of little cogs rusty old cogs in my head. Yeah, folks, I want you to sit down for just one second, though, and hear this message from our sponsors.

If you’ve been enjoying this episode of the Dragon UX podcast, folks, I really cannot stress enough that you should go check out tele. Aaron, I don’t know about you. But I’m always having to do things like train, whether it’s content editors, you know, set up stuff for onboarding new developers, things like that.

I haven’t had to do that in a while. But I did. I did have to do that previously, though. And being able to do a screencast especially for things that are like very easy to understand if you can see them, but not so easy to describe them with words because we use different jargon to kind of describe things then a common user might use

it, everybody learns differently, right? And some and over COVID We’ve learned a lot of this as well, like some people work differently and yeah, some are very visual, some are very oral, oral oral, hearing, focus, things like that. You know, talking about sending screenshots doesn’t always clue people in because they can’t see things in space. Or even you know, on Twitter, you know, you’re wanting to show off like, Hey, look at this cool thing I built or, Hey, brand, you screwed this up and I want to show you how broken it is.

I’m not naming any names. Tele is a awesome resource for that. If you go to tell her that or You can go in there they have a browser based screen recorder lets you share or showcase anything you’re building anything you’re working on. But the cool part about it is it’ll capture your screen. It’ll capture the camera, they’ll capture slides, if you’re showing a slide deck, and it makes them into a nice video where you can manage the layout, change your backgrounds, do whatever.

And it’s literally point and click. This is the easiest as somebody who’s used a lot of other screen capture software is over the last few years. This thing is freakin fantastic. That the tool itself though is really great. See whether you’re you know, send it to your teammate, send it to you know, somebody who’s following you on Twitter, and they’re asking about something you’re doing. Run by them, check them out, let them know that drunken UX sent sent you over there, it’s T E ll U X.

Not to be confused with duck typing. You are on tonight man? Rum. Jason, man, thank you so much, I would say for staying up late with us. And even though it feels late, because it is so dark out this time of year. It’s not actually that late. So I don’t feel that bad. But I know it’s asking a lot for anybody to come on and try to eat dinner and jump on here with us. Take the microphone for a second. Tell everybody where they can find you what you got going on and anything else that you want them to know about you?

Yeah, sure. So you can find me I’m on Twitter a lot at Jason ball je s when the HL also at WP Graph QL. So both of those handles on Twitter, lots of content about you know, Graph QL dad jokes, or fried pizza, you know, stuff like that. So yeah, you find me there. WP graph also has a website for the project. GitHub. GitHub is WP dash graph. QL is the organization you can find. We got the main plug in there.

And then there’s some extension plugins and whatnot up there as well., you can find the plugin repository, you can find us on there as well. I do have a YouTube channel for WP Graph QL as well. Post just random stuff like here and there. It’s not like super frequent content, but cool. If it is something it’s beneficial, probably.

Well, if you would like to hear more about web Graph QL, or discuss it with us or just talk about it, we’re talking about anything else at all, come and chat with us at Twitter or UX or at UX podcast, or come and talk with us jerky And if you really like transcripts, and you get onto that accessibility train, and want to have like the whole text transcript to make this show more accessible to people come and support us at You ex, or if you’d like to stay in our turf, you could come get us at trucking to Yes, sir.

Yes, sir, that the only thing that that comes to mind too is, you know, Graph QL is useful for a lot of things. And it solves I think, a lot of problems. I think it’s important to emphasize that, you know, pick the right tool for the right job. There are a lot of cases where rust API’s work just fine. And Aaron, you were, you know, talking about the performance and stuff earlier.

And a lot of this is going to come down to like, you’re not gonna necessarily see a huge performance boost in your React app or something or your view application. By switching between rest or graph, it’s going to be what you’re comfortable with, what you’re used to riding or what makes sense to you and choose the thing that either fits the role or fits the language, or in your case, err, and it’s documented. Well.

Yeah, and Jason, I just want to say like, I know, I challenged you on some points, and it’s nothing personal. I think the product is awesome. I would like to learn more about Graph QL and I think it’s really cool. I was just asking questions and not trying to integrate anything so it’s all good, man. It sounds

like your biggest complaint is that Graph QL at its heart, I had a bad I had a bad first Well, yeah, that will call you on any on any language. But it sounds like really what the the complaint is. And if you can solve this Jason I don’t know. But if if Graph QL can help you keep your personas close. Closer. Bye bye.

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