#67: How We Would Improve Amazon.com

DUX takes on the all-too-intimidating task of looking at Amazon in this episode, targeting features and experience on the site that we would make changes to so that the process of shopping and buying could…

#64: DUX Reviews Library Websites

Libraries have long made up the cornerstone of community learning, education, and other support services. As their scope and utility grows, so too must the capabilities of their website. Far too often, however, cities don’t…

#62: Remote Working Tactics for Success

Are you one of the millions of Americans currently adapting to a new remote-working regimen? Are you finding it more challenging that expected, or struggling to stay productive? That’s okay! Working remotely creates new challenges…

#61: Creating Efficient Emergency Websites

Emergencies are unavoidable – they wouldn’t be emergencies otherwise. But when crisis strikes, it always helps to be prepared with a strategy. Websites are no different, and there are a few simple tactics you can…