#119: Tips For Effective Footer UX

Too often, footers get the short end of the UX design stick. It’s the afterthought, the thing at the bottom of the page, the place where useless items go to die. But it doesn’t have…

#116: Coding Pop Quiz Part 3 (Back to JS)

In this episode, Michael and Aaron finish up taking their tests by comparing notes on some additional JavaScript challenges. Are two heads better than one? What sneaky tricks will derail them? Jump in and answer…

#115: Coding Pop Quiz Part 2 (Ruby)

Turnabout is only fair play when it comes to testing our knowledge. Last week, Aaron was faced with some difficult JavaScript questions. This week, Michael takes on the hot seat with a whole batch of…

#113: Using Shannon-Weaver in Web Strategy

With Aaron out of town, Michael takes the microphone solo to dive into why the Shannon-Weaver Model makes a great foundation to launch your design strategy. By putting people at the center of your process,…